Title: Green Party Raises Concerns Over Alleged Unauthorized Wharf Construction in Protaras
In a recent development that has caught the attention of environmentalists and local authorities, the Green Party has voiced its apprehensions regarding a new construction on Yianna Marie beach in Protaras. The party’s announcement on Wednesday highlighted a wharf whose legality is now under question.
Giorgos Perdikis, the leader of the Green Party, has taken the initiative to seek clarity on the matter by writing to the Famagusta district officer. The central issue revolves around whether the necessary permits were obtained for the construction of the wharf, which is said to extend from the shore into the sea.
The Greens have expressed their concerns after receiving a complaint alleging that the construction was carried out arbitrarily, without the required permits, and with a disregard for the natural environment and beachgoers. The party has been vigilant in its role as a guardian of environmental standards and is now demanding answers.
The statement released by the Green Party warns of the broader implications of such actions, emphasizing that environmental negligence carries significant costs. These costs are not only borne by those responsible for causing the damage but also affect society at large.
The Green Party has made it clear that if the allegations are substantiated, they expect the authorities to take swift action to restore the beach to its original state. The party’s stance reflects a growing concern over environmental issues and the need for strict adherence to regulations that protect Cyprus’s natural beauty.
As this story unfolds, the public awaits further developments and the response from the district authorities. The Green Party’s call to action underscores the importance of environmental vigilance and the collective responsibility to preserve our natural habitats.
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