UAE Sets New Corporate Tax Due, Aiming for Global Standards

UAE Embraces Federal Corporate Tax to Strengthen Economic Resilience

In a bold move to secure its economic future, the UAE has introduced a federal corporate tax as per Federal Decree-Law No. (47) of 2022. This pivotal change is set to align the nation with international tax standards and fortify its reputation as a premier financial and business hub.

The new tax regime, which has undergone thorough benchmarking and assessments, will be inclusive of the UAE’s free zones, vital to its diverse economy and allure for international investors. The corporate tax due will be at a rate of 0 percent for taxable incomes up to AED375,000, starting June 2023, with a 9 percent rate applied to incomes above this threshold. This structure aims to bolster the UAE’s position as a central hub for global commerce and finance.

Recognized by the OECD within the top echelon of global tax systems, the UAE’s approach to corporate tax is designed to support sustainable development, strategic objectives, and uphold fairness and transparency in taxation.

Commitment to Sustainable Development

The UAE’s commitment to sustainable development is evident in its National Agenda 2030 and the establishment of the National Committee for Sustainable Development Goals. The committee actively evaluates the impact of tax policies on economic growth, ensuring that they foster inclusivity and sustainable economic expansion.

Since 2017, the UAE has expanded its taxable goods range and continuously refined tax regulations to enhance taxpayer flexibility. The country’s proactive stance on the OECD’s BEPS project and Pillar Two initiative underscores its dedication to preventing base erosion and profit shifting while promoting global tax fairness.

Strategic Directions and Partnerships

The collaboration between the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Authority ensures the effective administration of the new corporate tax laws. These reforms are integral to the UAE’s strategy to enhance economic resilience and maintain its leadership in digital government innovation.

The introduction of corporate tax is a proactive response to a volatile global economy, aiming to ensure financial sustainability and inclusivity for the future. Mobilizing public revenue through corporate tax is crucial for building stable government revenue streams to support sustainable development projects.

Regulatory Decisions

With over 25 regulatory decisions issued, the UAE Cabinet and Ministry of Finance have provided comprehensive guidance on the implementation of the federal corporate tax law. These decisions cover exemptions, audited financial statement requirements for free zone companies, transfer pricing documentation, and more.

Significant penalties have been set for violations of the corporate tax law, emphasizing the UAE’s commitment to a transparent and competitive tax environment conducive to economic growth.

Awareness and Consultation

The Ministry of Finance is actively engaging with the business community to clarify the new federal corporate tax law’s implications. Public awareness sessions are being held to inform both the general public and media about the law’s provisions and economic impact.

The Ministry stresses that official communications from the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Authority should be the primary sources for information on corporate income tax return due date, corporate tax payment deadline, corporate tax due date, and corporation tax deadline.

This initiative reflects the UAE’s dedication to transparency and accurate information dissemination regarding its federal taxes.

tax policy
The UAEs new tax policy reflects a commitment to global tax fairness by aligning with OECD guidelines, aiming to prevent tax evasion and ensure fair competition in international business.

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