Auditor General Backed by Protesters Seeking Support

May 13, 2024

    Public Rally in Support of Auditor General Odysseas Michaelides

    In a display of solidarity, hundreds of citizens gathered outside the legal service this past Sunday, holding signs that voiced their support for Auditor General Odysseas Michaelides. The crowd, passionate yet peaceful, then proceeded to march towards the presidential palace, where their chants grew louder, demanding the resignation of the attorney general (AG) and the cessation of attempts to suspend Michaelides from his role.

    The air was filled with calls for President Nikos Christodoulides, as protesters shouted, “Come outside Christodoulides,” hoping for a dialogue with the nation’s leader. This protest, dubbed ‘hands off the auditor general,’ was a direct response to AG George Savvides’s recent actions. Savvides has filed a request with the Supreme Constitutional Court to remove Michaelides from his position, citing ‘inappropriate behaviour’ as the justification for this move.

    As the clock struck 4 pm, the crowd’s message was clear: they demanded transparency and proper management of public finances. Chants of “Hands off Odysseas” and “No to gagging the truth” echoed off the walls of the surrounding buildings. A speech was later delivered outside the presidential palace, reiterating the crowd’s unwavering support for Michaelides and his efforts in office. The speech included a direct appeal to the legal service: “We call on the legal service to withdraw the suspension request [against Michaelides] immediately.”

    Notable figures such as Green Party leader Giorgos Perdikis and former MP Anna Theologou were among those who joined the ranks of the protestors. Their presence underscored the political significance of the event and highlighted the widespread concern over the potential implications of stifling the Auditor General’s independence.

    The demonstration remained peaceful throughout, with participants unified in their stance to protect the integrity of the Auditor General’s office and maintain accountability within public service.

    The protest was ignited by allegations of misconduct and lack of transparency in Michaelides office, prompting calls for accountability and reform in the auditing process.

    Can protests bolster support for Auditor General Michaelides?

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