Incompetence and Cover-Up Alleged in Guardsman Case After Probe

A Long-Overdue Verdict

The protracted quest for truth in the death of Thanasis Nicolaou has finally reached a pivotal juncture. After nearly two decades of relentless advocacy by his mother, Andriana Nicolaou, a judge has determined that the national guardsman’s 2005 death was not self-inflicted. This ruling contradicts the long-held stance of suicide posited by authorities.

The extensive timeline of this case is marked by incompetence and alleged cover-up attempts, involving various facets of the Cypriot justice system. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has criticized the initial police work, citing “significant shortcomings” and a lack of depth in the military’s subsequent probe. These flawed investigations have spurred public outcry and skepticism towards the integrity of the involved institutions.

Following the ECHR’s critique, a re-examination of Nicolaou’s remains led to a revised cause of death: strangulation. This discovery prompted a renewed investigation, culminating in the recent inquiry that acknowledged criminal involvement in Nicolaou’s demise.

The state’s defensive posture during the third inquiry, maintaining the suicide narrative, has fueled speculation about their motives—whether it be to shield culpable parties or to obscure their own investigative failures. Now, with the inquiry affirming foul play, the focus shifts to identifying those responsible.

However, questions linger concerning the feasibility of a successful new investigation after such a lengthy period and with limited evidence. The choice of investigators is paramount, as trust in the attorney-general and police force has been severely eroded due to their previous positions and mishandling of the case.

As deliberations continue on who should spearhead this crucial investigation, one thing remains clear: the Nicolaou family’s ordeal at the hands of the authorities has been nothing short of scandalous. It is imperative that any forthcoming inquiry be led by highly skilled professionals to ensure justice for Thanasis Nicolaou and some semblance of closure for his family.


Was Thanasis Nicolaous death in 2005 due to strangulation?

Thanasis Nicolaous death in 2005 was indeed ruled as a result of strangulation, as confirmed by forensic evidence at the time.

Can the ruling on Thanasis Nicolaous death dismiss strangulation as a cause?

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