Michael Cohen Testifies on Trump’s Orders in Daniels Case

Michael Cohen Grilled by Defense Lawyers in Trump Trial

In a courtroom drama that continues to captivate the nation, Michael Cohen, the former personal attorney and fixer for Donald Trump, underwent intense cross-examination by defense lawyers on Tuesday. The legal team representing the Republican presidential candidate aimed to discredit Cohen’s allegations that Trump played a central role in a scheme to silence an adult film actress.

Trump’s defense attorney, Todd Blanche, portrayed Cohen as a disloyal former confidant who flipped his allegiance from adulation to animosity. Blanche highlighted Cohen’s derogatory descriptions of Trump, including terms like “dictator douchebag” and “Cheeto-dusted cartoon villain.” Cohen, who has previously served time in prison for offenses including the hush money payment in question, was depicted by the defense as someone whose credibility was marred by his history of lying under oath.

Blanche’s strategy during the two-hour cross-examination did not immediately address the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, which is central to the case. Instead, he meticulously reviewed Cohen’s past public statements about Trump to emphasize his shift from ally to adversary and his pattern of deceit. The defense also suggested that Cohen’s motivations were tied to financial gain, revenge, and fame, pointing to his profitable tell-all books and popular anti-Trump podcast.

The trial, which began on April 15th, has seen Cohen as the prosecution’s key witness. His testimony detailed how Trump directed him to make a payment to Daniels in 2016 to prevent damage to his presidential campaign and subsequently approved a reimbursement plan through fraudulent invoices. Prosecutors have accused Trump of falsifying business records to disguise reimbursements as legal fees, leading to 34 counts against him.

Trump, who is currently running for president again in 2024, has pleaded not guilty and denied any sexual encounter with Daniels. He has dismissed the case as politically motivated. On Tuesday, Cohen recounted a 2017 Oval Office meeting where Trump reassured him about receiving reimbursement for the Daniels payment.

Cohen also shared with jurors his experience of lying to Congress and other authorities about the scandal, describing a “pressure campaign” from Trump’s circle to prevent him from cooperating with investigators. Despite this pressure, Cohen ultimately chose to cooperate after consulting with his family.

As the trial approaches its conclusion, with Cohen’s cross-examination set to continue after a day’s recess, the legal and political stakes remain high for Trump amidst several ongoing criminal prosecutions he faces on various charges.

Cohens testimony pertains to the 2019 trial where he implicated Trump in campaign finance violations related to hush money paid to Stormy Daniels.

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