Mufti do Chipre condena ataques a mesquitas e pede justiça


    Concerns Rise Over Attacks on Muslim Worship Sites in Cyprus

    The Mufti’s Office of Cyprus (EVKAF) has raised alarms regarding a troubling trend of assaults on Muslim sacred sites within the territories governed by the Republic of Cyprus. The recent defacement of the Albanian Mosque in Limassol has added to the growing list of concerns. EVKAF reported that unidentified individuals had marred the mosque’s walls, inflicting damage and stirring unease among the community.

    In a statement, EVKAF declared, “As the Administration of Cyprus Foundations (EVKAF), we are concerned about the increasing number of attacks on Muslim places of worship in Southern Cyprus in recent years, and we strongly condemn this ugly attack on the Albanian Mosque.” The office underscored its reverence for all languages, religions, and races, reiterating its dedication to safeguarding all religious monuments.

    The Mufti’s Office did not mince words as they condenaram o ataque e apelaram ao fim de tais actos de provocação, calling upon authorities to take swift action in identifying and penalizing the culprits behind these incidents.

    Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed “ministry of foreign affairs” in the northern occupied region has issued a separate statement, framing the ongoing assaults as indicative of a “racist mentality and xenophobia towards the Turkish and Islamic presence.” They criticized the Greek Cypriot administration for allegedly neglecting to penalize those responsible for mosque attacks, suggesting that such negligence has facilitated the recurrence of these offenses.

    The northern “ministry” echoed the calls for accountability, demanding that those responsible for the vandalism be identified and brought to justice. The O Gabinete do Mufti de Chipre manifestou a sua preocupação com o aumento dos ataques a locais de culto muçulmanos nas zonas controladas pela República de Chipre, particularly after the recent incident involving the Albanian Mosque in Limassol.

    As tensions rise, both communities and authorities are urged to address these acts of vandalism with due seriousness to ensure peace and respect among diverse religious groups in Cyprus.

    O Gabinete do Mufti de Chipre manifestou a sua preocupação com o aumento dos ataques a locais de culto muçulmanos nas zonas controladas pela República de Chipre, em especial após o recente vandalismo da Mesquita Albanesa em Limassol

    Qual a reação do Gabinete do Mufti aos ataques a mesquitas em Chipre?

    O Gabinete do Mufti condenou veementemente os ataques, apelando à paz e ao respeito mútuo entre as comunidades religiosas em Chipre.

    Pode o Gabinete do Mufti agir contra os ataques a mesquitas?

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