EU Funds €25M for Agri-Marketing Digitalization Efforts

In a significant move to enhance the agricultural sector’s competitiveness, the Council of Ministers has sanctioned a €25 million budget aimed at fostering the creation and modernization of processing units, as well as their digital upgrade. This initiative is part of the broader EU Recovery and Resilience Plan, which spans from 2021 to 2026, and specifically targets the bolstering of both existing and emerging small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Commerce Minister Giorgos Papanastasiou announced the approval on Wednesday, emphasizing the efficiency gains realized from the first tender. The savings of approximately €3 million from this initial phase will be reinvested into the second tender, effectively amplifying the reach and benefits of the funding.

A noteworthy aspect of this program is its digital-centric application process. Prospective beneficiaries are required to apply exclusively through the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry’s electronic system. This digital approach ensures that the application procedure is streamlined and accessible, thereby facilitating participation from a wide array of potential recipients.

Minister Papanastasiou further elaborated that the scope of the program is not confined to companies alone. In an inclusive gesture, cooperatives and beekeepers are also eligible to participate, reflecting the government’s commitment to supporting a diverse range of stakeholders within the agricultural community.

This strategic investment in digital infrastructure and modernization is expected to significantly contribute to the marketing efficiency of agricultural products. By embracing technological advancements, SMEs within this sector can look forward to enhanced productivity and a stronger presence in both local and international markets.

The initiative underscores the government’s dedication to fostering a resilient and future-ready agricultural industry, with an emphasis on innovation and digital transformation. As the program rolls out, it promises to be a pivotal step in empowering agricultural businesses and cooperatives to thrive in an increasingly competitive global landscape.

agricultural processing units

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