Cyprus Tourism Aims for Record Arrivals in 2024 Despite Challenges

**Cyprus Tourism Remains Resilient Amid Global Challenges**

Despite the shadows cast by geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties, Cyprus’ tourism sector is poised to continue its robust performance in 2024. Costas Koumis, the head of Cyprus’ tourism, expressed confidence that the island nation would sustain its tourism momentum, with projections indicating numbers nearing the 3.97 million record set in 2019.

At a recent press conference, Koumis highlighted the Deputy Ministry’s strategy to maintain last year’s level of tourist arrivals, despite the disruptions in flight schedules and ongoing global unrest. The target for 2024 is to mirror the success of the previous year, with a slight deviation of 30,000 to 50,000 tourists expected.

The resilience of Cyprus’ tourism industry was evident in 2023, as it recorded 3.85 million visitors, marking a 20% annual increase and filling the void left by the loss of Russian and Ukrainian markets. This achievement contributed significantly to the Cypriot economy, with the World Travel & Tourism Council estimating tourism’s GDP share at 12.8% for 2023.

Tourism revenue reached a record €2.99 billion in 2023, a substantial increase from €2.44 billion in the previous year. The average expenditure per tourist also saw an uptick, with daily spending rising to €90.

However, the average length of stay dipped to 8.6 days in 2023, attributed to a shift in tourist demographics and reduced household purchasing power internationally. Sea arrivals showed promise but were impacted by regional conflicts.

Looking ahead, Cyprus faces challenges including Middle Eastern tensions, economic downturns in key markets like Germany and the UK, and aviation sector issues. Nevertheless, air connectivity remains stable with 55 airlines operating flights to and from Cyprus.

Koumis anticipates growth from Poland and the Balkans, stable numbers from the UK and Germany, and a strategic focus on enhancing Cyprus’ tourism offerings. The government has committed €11.2 million to subsidy schemes aimed at revitalizing rural areas and enriching the tourism industry.

In conclusion, Cyprus is navigating through a complex global landscape with a clear vision for its tourism sector. By investing in its offerings and adapting to changing market dynamics, Cyprus aims to sustain its position as a preferred holiday destination well into 2024 and beyond.


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