Fitch Revises Boeing Outlook to Stable Amid Delivery Delays

**Fitch Revises Boeing’s Outlook to Stable Amid Slower 737 MAX Deliveries**

In a recent assessment by Fitch Ratings, the outlook for aerospace giant Boeing (BA.N) has been downgraded from “positive” to “stable.” The revision comes as the rating agency anticipates a delay in the company’s financial targets, including the 2025 free cash flow objective, which may now take an additional year to achieve.

The reassessment by Fitch reflects a more cautious view of Boeing’s recovery trajectory in the wake of production and delivery challenges. The agency has also adjusted its delivery forecast for the 737 MAX aircraft, projecting that Boeing will deliver between 420 and 450 units in 2024. This estimate is approximately 100 units fewer than what was previously expected.

Boeing has been working diligently to rebound from setbacks, including the grounding of the 737 MAX following two fatal crashes and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on air travel and aircraft demand. The company’s efforts to ramp up production and clear its inventory of stored jets have been closely monitored by industry analysts and investors alike.

The revised outlook by Fitch suggests that while Boeing is making progress, the path forward may be more prolonged than initially anticipated. Investors and stakeholders in the aerospace sector will be keeping a watchful eye on Boeing’s performance as it strives to meet its revised delivery schedules and financial goals.

For more detailed coverage on Boeing’s financial outlook and industry developments, follow the Cyprus Mail on Google News.


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