South Korean Tanker Capsizes in Japan, Seven Crew Confirmed Dead

Tragedy Strikes as Chemical Tanker Capsizes Off Japanese Coast

In a somber turn of events, a South Korean-flagged chemical tanker, the Keoyoung Sun, has met with a catastrophic fate off the coast of Yamaguchi prefecture in western Japan. As reported by the public broadcaster NHK, the vessel capsized amid severe weather conditions, leading to the tragic loss of seven crew members.

The Keoyoung Sun found itself in distress early on Wednesday morning, anchored and battling the storm when it began to tilt perilously. The crew sent out an urgent plea for help after 7:00 a.m. local time (2200 GMT on Tuesday), signaling the grave nature of their situation. Despite their efforts to stabilize the tanker, the situation escalated rapidly, resulting in the vessel’s capsize.

Of the 11 brave souls aboard the Keoyoung Sun, nine have been recovered in the ensuing rescue operations. However, it is with a heavy heart that we report seven of these crew members did not survive. The search continues for the two remaining individuals, with hopes fading as time passes.

Adding to the complexity of this maritime disaster is the cargo that the Keoyoung Sun was carrying: 980 tonnes of acrylic acid, a potentially hazardous substance. In a small mercy amidst this calamity, NHK has confirmed that there has been no spillage detected from the capsized tanker, averting an environmental crisis on top of the human tragedy.

The maritime community and the families of those affected await further news as rescue teams work tirelessly against the clock. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the perils faced by those who navigate the world’s oceans and the unpredictable nature of the sea.

Our thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones during this difficult time. For continued updates on this developing story, follow the Cyprus Mail on Google News.

capsized tanker

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