Discover more about the Driver's license

A driver’s license is a legal document or card issued by a government authority, affirming that a person is authorized to operate a motor vehicle or motorbike. The issuance of the driver’s license marks the official start of a person’s driving career, entrusting them with the responsibility of safety on the roads. This is granted after successful completion of a written, as well as a practical driving test. It’s important to note that a driver’s license isn’t merely a permission to drive. It’s an official identification document recognized by all states and most countries. In fact, in the United States, the Department of Motor Vehicles (commonly referred to as the DMV) is the prime authority responsible for the issuance of driver’s licenses.

Change of Driver’s License Application with DMV

A change in the driver’s license application with DMV typically implies updating certain information on your current license. This could be due to various reasons such as a change of name, address, gender, updating emergency contact details or adding safety restrictions. It also incorporates requests for a new license due to misplacement, theft or damage of the original one.

Procedure for Change of Driver’s License Application

  1. Documentation: The first step in the process of changing the driver’s license application is gathering the necessary documentation. This includes proof of identity, proof of residency, social security number, among others. For certain changes such as name or gender, additional specific documentation might be required.
  2. Form Fill-up: This is followed by the completion of the appropriate form, available via the DMV website or at the local DMV office. The form needs to be filled up accurately with the updated information.
  3. Submission: The form along with the relevant documents is then submitted to the DMV. Some states allow online submission while others might require you to visit the local DMV office. It’s advisable to confirm this with the DMV in your state.
  4. Fees: There is usually a fee associated with the change of driver’s license application. This fee varies by state.
  5. Processing: Once the application is reviewed and all information confirmed, the DMV will issue a new driver’s license with updated information. The duration for this process varies by state. You may receive a temporary license in the meantime.

Significance of Keeping Your Driver’s License Updated

Keeping your driver’s license updated is crucial. Not only does it ensure that you’re legally compliant but also that the DMV has the correct information to communicate any updates or changes. An outdated address could lead to missing important DMV notifications, and an outdated name or gender could cause complications in identification.


Interestingly, the issue of driver’s licenses for motor vehicles was first introduced by the Motor Car Act 1903 in the United Kingdom. This historical event marked a significant step towards regulating traffic and vehicle safety. The act brought the concept of “driving as a privilege granted by the state,” giving birth to the driver’s license as we know it today.

Driver’s license

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