BBC to Develop In-House AI Using Text Archives

22 March 2024

BBC Explores Building Its Own AI Model

In a move that could shape the future of content creation, Britain’s national broadcaster, the BBC, has announced plans to potentially develop its own artificial intelligence (AI) model. Utilizing its vast text archives, the BBC aims to harness the power of generative AI to enhance its production processes.

During a recent parliamentary committee session, a BBC executive highlighted the organization’s interest in exploring generative AI technologies. The focus is on whether to go solo or seek partnerships in training a bespoke AI model. This initiative underscores the broadcaster’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological innovation.

Confirming a Financial Times report, a BBC spokesperson stated that the corporation is indeed considering the creation of a Large Language Model based on its text-based content. However, they emphasized that any output generated by such a model would be exclusively for BBC’s use.

The Financial Times also suggested that the BBC was in discussions with tech companies about potentially selling access to its archives. These archives could be instrumental in training AI models. In response, the BBC clarified that it currently has no agreements in place for commercial use of its archive to train external large language models.

The broadcaster is also conscientiously addressing concerns related to AI, such as potential biases within these models. The BBC is exploring various approaches to mitigate such issues, whether through partnerships or independent efforts. As AI continues to evolve, the BBC’s proactive stance on developing and managing its own AI tools could significantly influence the media landscape.

The BBC is planning to develop its own artificial intelligence model using its text archives

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